With TeamOB Time Manager generate optimal results for your team, with a collaborative platform that allows you to control time and measure profitability interactively. Time Manager includes Task Management, which effectively manage and control the activities of your organization team and remote team. Automated Processes, allows you to generate various reports like attendance, project, employee performance and task tracking in real time. TeamOB BI Reports that is business intelligence get it with an easy-to-use interface through BI with reports and graphical dashboards, for your business.
Meet your business objectives and those of your team members by knowing the workload and task assignments. Easy to use TeamOB modules which includes billing that manage all invoices, generate customized reports. Real Time Dashboard shows the most relevant information and the status of your clients' processes and of each project work.Reports generate for your clients according to your activities, projects, issues and users. Tasks assign to your work team by analyzing teams workload capacity.
Get TrialTrack time every second, with TeamOB time manager.
With TeamOB task management, track your employee woek and optimized productivity.
Generate various customized report suh as project report, attendance report, performance report, etc.
With TeamOB time manager software you create various role for employee to manage and track work of organization.