
An employee or a manager working in a Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) company can be stressful. The KPOs employees are stacked in offices who keep work on related business tasks or any other high-level task assigned to them from outsource companies.

If you are a Manager in the KPO company, you have to face so many high level priority technical tasks and requests which need to be solved correctly on time.

KPO managers seem to be stuck between their employees, who are usually not fond of them; clients, who never care about the procedures and policies you do for them to solve their company related tasks. In calculation we can identify the biggest challenges KPO managers are facing. On that insight, here is a list of challenges and possible solutions which can be helpful. An employee analytics and productivity insight software seemed to resolve some of those challenges.

Employee Analytics Monitoring

KPO employees are really the monitored employees in the companies as they are in direct communication with clients and customers. But being a manager, monitoring the employees to keep record of each task assigned to them, you have the right to monitor the team.

You can use TeamOB employee analytics software which won’t interrupt your employees workflow. This employee monitoring software works in the background of your employees devices like computers, laptops and tracks which websites and apps they’re using throughout the day.


This software generates the attendance report of your employees. TeamOB employee analytics monitoring software makes note of logged in and logout time of each employee. You can also get to know the work time, active time, idle tile, break time by using this TeamOB Employee Monitoring Software.

Balance of Work/Life of Employees

For every KPO company's employees, overwork and stress are an essential part, team manager needs to pay attention to how to schedule days off and night shifts for your KPO team members. This will help your employees to care for their health and provide them enough space to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

With the help of TeamOB Employee Monitoring Software you can schedule tasks within employees, which can save you a lot of time to deliver assigned tasks on time and also help you distribute the working hours among employees.

Clients Satisfaction and Retention

To meet clients satisfaction and retention is a challenge for any business growth. Its really difficult to make clients happy as client wishes go up, client retention goes down.

When you or your team members are in a situation like this, you need to find out the reasons why the client was not satisfied. This will help you to improve, and provide better service to other clients.

With the help of employee analytics software, generate a project report for each assigned task to your team members.

Employee Turnover Rates

Usually employees are working night shifts, weekends, holidays and with these hours it’s not easy for them to maintain a social life, which leads to turnover rates.

To avoid such a situation, the manager of the company needs to motivate employees for their task, needs to communicate with each employee for giving proper suggestions for the query they are facing, and needs to take care of the team members. Try to distribute proper shifting to each team member to avoid workload. Give information on employee monitoring software which will help them to increase their productivity by submitting tasks on time to clients.

Advantages of Use Of Employee Analytics & Productivity Insight Software In KPO

With the help of TeamOB employee analytics and productivity insight software, KPO companies can help clients to reduce operational or production costs by creating new processes or streamlining efficiency.

By task scheduling feature employee monitoring software, KPO also frees up existing staff, including management, to do other work, boosting efficiency and productivity.

Using Employee Monitoring Software in KPO can be time- and resource-intensive to increase organization productivity.

To explore all the features and benefits of TeamOB employee analytics monitoring software, please feel free to contact us!

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